The Nouveau Kiskeya Story

The book, Demons of Poverty, tells the story of Nouveau Kiskeya from September 2005 through September of 2012. This page will be updated periodically to bring you up to date on significant new events.

October 12, 2012

I received the following email from Robert Ulysse (our long term partner in the Nouveau Kiskeya project):

I am writing to inform you about a “National Repentance Campaign” that I plan to launch with some of the church leaders from the Northwest, starting November 1, 2012, Lord willing. I have come to the conclusion that this is an absolute necessity for Haiti and that without the removal of the curse, which I am now convinced more than ever is over Haiti, NO ONE will ever be able to bring national change to this country.

Building on the Spiritual Warfare Campaign we had in the NK neighborhood last year, the plan is to bring 700 church leaders from the 565 communal sections of Haiti to NK in the next several months. The first meeting is being planned for November 1 and the other 17 will take place every Friday from November 16 to March 8. The goal will be to reach every church in Haiti with the “Repentance” prayer. The campaign will be closed with a “National Day of Repentance” on Easter Sunday (March 31, 2013) with several million people reciting the “Repentance” prayer in churches and in homes throughout Haiti.

While NO ONE in this world can fix Haiti, our Almighty God who created the universe and everything in it is highly capable of doing so. The only condition is that the right thing must be done first.

–Robert Ulysse

October 23, 2012

In June 2012, we entered into serious discussions with an international development firm about re-starting the Nouveau Kiskeya project.  Unfortunately, these conversations were terminated by mutual consent on October 23, 2012

January 25, 2013

National Repentance Campaign Update from Robert Ulysse:

National Repentance Campaign representatives have been appointed and campaign materials have been distributed in all 10 departments, all 140 communes and all 565 communal sections of the country.  Now that the necessary preparations have been made, we are prepared to go public with the campaign starting February 1. In our schedule of activities, we propose to issue a press release on Feb 1 to announce the campaign to the Nation. The press release, signed by the 10 members of the National Committee, will be released to the media in Port-au-Prince. We have also prepared 9 regional press releases tailored for each of the other departments.

On February 4, we plan to begin airing a radio spot focused on the National Day of Repentance.

On February 5, we plan to deliver a letter to President Martelly informing him of the National Day of Repentance and asking him and the government to support the initiative.

Between February 5 and March 15 we will be seeking the endorsement of various sectors in the country.

The National Day of Repentance is scheduled for Easter Sunday, March 31.

I thank you for your support and your prayers.


March 1, 2013

National Repentance Campaign Update (From Robert Ulysse)

“The NRC continues to move forward toward our target date of Easter Sunday March 31, 2013. The churches are continuing to share the message throughout the country. We delivered a letter to President Martelly requesting that he declares March 31 Haiti’s National Day of Repentance. The most listened to Christian radio station, Radio Shalom, has agreed to air our spot through the month of March (4 times a day) for free.

Nouveau Kiskeya Neighborhood Ministry Update (From Robert Ulysse)

Our NK neighborhood Church is growing in quality (although not as fast in quantity yet). This past Saturday we baptized 23 new people and as a Church we have pledged our commitment to be what we understand God wants His Church to be. Our goal is for the NK neighborhood to literally become a “No Fly Zone” for the evil spirits/demons that Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 dominate the air and keep people from knowing and serving the Living God.

To attain this goal we have instituted a 24-hour prayer chain. That means for every one of the 24 hours of the day there are people praying for God to release His full power on our area and thereby keep all evil spirits off limits. We have 2 days of service (teaching, worship, and praying) every week on Saturday and Sunday. It is truly gratifying to see how people are growing and maturing in the Lord right before your eyes.”

April 1, 2013

Dear Friends,

I thank and Praise our Great God for the Repentance Day we had in Haiti yesterday. According to the preliminary reports I received, people throughout Haiti addressed the repentance prayer to God. I thank all of you for your prayers and support. I will keep you informed on what is done next as we seek to direct the Haitian people toward God so that in return His blessings may fall on us.

May God bless all of you!

Robert Ulysse

April 3, 2013

National Repentance Campaign Update (From Robert Ulysse)

“Now that we have experienced the first National Day of Repentance, we are getting ready to move into a second phase of the National Repentance Campaign. The next step will be to “persevere in repentance” throughout the country. The new motto of the Campaign is going to be “Perseverance in Repentance”. The feedback I have been getting from the leaders all over the country is that: “we must not stop, we must continue”. Our goal this time will be twofold:

1.      Make sure people who did not receive copies of the repentance prayer in the first round are able to receive a copy.

2.      Ensure that people continue addressing the repentance prayer to God (especially in church services, at least once a week).

The continued objective of this national effort is to encourage the people to sever all ties with voodoo practices and turn back to God.

Locally, we will focus on strengthening the Church by reaching out to all neighboring churches. We will extend the 24-hour prayer chain to a much wider area in the NW peninsula.

Our goal is to make contact with every Church within the extended area, invite the leaders to Nouveau Kiskeya in order to formally create a region-wide fellowship. We will make copies of the Victor Matthews prayer available to all these churches and reach a covenant between all members of the fellowship to join the 24-hour prayer chain.”

April 15, 2013

During the month of March, Pastor Robert Ulysse preached a series of sermons at the Nouveau Kiskeya Church about the familiar verse “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35).  Since most of Haiti and certainly this area, is what the UN would refer to as $1.00 per day territory, there is very little understanding about giving outside of the immediate family.

I was very surprised and actually somewhat astounded when Robert told me that as a result of this series the Nouveau Kiskeya Church, with an average Sunday attendance of about 100 people had raised $1000.  I was even more surprised when he shared that the members had decided that they wanted to designate this gift for the people of Israel.

When I asked what motivated this decision, Robert explained that the destination of the gift was based on the fact that Israel, both the land and the people, are God’s chosen. He further explained that donating to God’s chosen makes sense, especially in light of the many Bible promises for those who do what is good for Israel. He went on to say that “Jesus wanted the people of Israel to be saved so bad that He wept over them” and “we believe that if we can contribute to saving even just one of them, it would be worth it.”

May 2013

One of Robert’s goals is to unify all of the churches in Northwest Haiti.  During the month of May a total of 322 churches completed the registration process.

June 2013

On June 20, Nouveau Kiskeya hosted 20 leaders from the 10 geographical departments of Haiti to do a full day assessment of the National Repentance Campaign.

On June 22, Nouveau Kiskeya hosted 149 representatives from the 322 churches in the Northwest.  The objective of this meeting was to officially launch the 24-hour prayer network within the churches of Northwest Haiti.

July 2013

Pastor Robert Ulysse, along with his wife Rose and the Nouveau Kiskeya Church decided to open the Nouveau Kiskeya Christian School in September, 2013. They have already registered 43 children for the school.  Their goal is for these children to have a “high quality, Christian education, and to allow them to grow up with a totally different world view than the one that has kept Haiti in her current conditions for over 200 years”.

On July 29 – 31 the fourth Timothy Leadership Training session took place at Nouveau Kiskeya, attended by 24 participants.  Several certificates were presented to people who have already completed the first two manuals.

September 2013

As of September 1, when school started, there were 50 six year old children registered and attending the Nouveau Kiskeya Christian School.

May 31, 2014

Update on the Spiritual Outreach Campaign in Northwest Haiti (NW) as of May 2014 prepared by Robert Ulysse:

1. Nouveau Kiskeya Christian School

We give praise to our Good God for a successful first year of the Nouveau Kiskeya (NK) Christian School. We had 50 children from start to finish and all the children made progress beyond our expectation. They learned a lot and we are looking forward to a second year with additional children.

2. Spiritual Warfare

After the Spiritual Warfare Campaign in 2011, where several churches in the general Nouveau Kiskeya (NK) vicinity symbolically took control of their area for our God by holding “reclamation services” at 7 “forbidden crossroads”, the warfare continued at the level of the local churches.

During the last 3 years, the NK church has been firmly engaged in spiritual warfare and has aggressively pursued the deliverance of people in bondage in the hands of voodoo spirits. People who were oppressed by evil spirits have found deliverance as those spirits manifested themselves during services at our “brush arbor” church.

One of our main objectives at the NK church has been to equip the believers to go out and face the enemy right on his turf. During the last 2 to 3 years we have been meeting every Saturday morning from 9 AM to 12 noon to study the Word of God, and pray as we prepare ourselves for a great offensive against the enemy.

From June 1, 2014 to June 21, 2014, the NK church warriors will be meeting in NK from 8 am to 12 noon and from 8 pm to midnight for a final 21-day preparation. We will meet to study the Word, pray, and be encouraged by watching the Fiji video. Every day will be closed with a midnight communion service.

Just like the disciples in the upper room, who waited until they were empowered by the Holy Spirit before they went out to be “witnesses” of Jesus-Christ, during the 21 days of preparation, the NK church warriors will be seeking the full power of the Holy Spirit before we go out in the various surrounding localities to witness the saving power of Jesus-Christ through the Holy Spirit to the lost ones, especially those who are known to be in bondage under voodoo.

During these 21 days of preparation, we will identify and register the homes and set up a schedule for visitations. The visitations will take place on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in the afternoon starting on Friday June 27, Lord willing, until all of the homes on the list have been visited.

3. Timothy Leadership Training (TLT) / NW Peninsula Spiritual Transformation Campaign

The Northwest Hait TLT Coordination Committee has been in place since the end of February 2014. We meet every Friday from 9 am to 12 noon for Bible study, prayer, and discussions on the TLT work and Spiritual Transformation in the NW Peninsula. Since the creation of the coordination committee, we have visited and held meetings with pastors in Mare-Rouge, Bombardopolis, Mole Saint-Nicolas, Beauchamps, Jean-Rabel, Anse-Rouge, and Boucan Patriot.

We have created a total of 11 zones within the region and each zone will host TLT trainings for church leaders that are in the vicinity of the zone. Trainings are currently scheduled to take place on June 23 through 25, 2014 in Bombardopolis and on June 26 through 28 in Mare-Rouge. There will be a TLT training in NK on July 7 through July 9, 2014.

Our goal in working with the churches in the NW peninsula is 1) to train leaders through the TLT program and 2) to bring spiritual transformation, in the leaders first, and then in church attendees, and finally in the general population. Given the revival (personal spiritual renewal) that has been taking place in the lives of the members of the coordination committee, thanks to the Friday meetings in NK, we all feel a burning desire to spread the same “fire of revival” to pastors in all the zones we have created. We are hoping to be able to bring the Friday “soul cleansing” meetings to a different zone every week. We are praying and waiting for God to provide us with transportation means so that we may begin with this initiative.

Robert Ulysse



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